Mitzi and Teddy’s Excellent Adventure in Norfolk
My beloved sidekick Teddy Tedaloo and I are recently back from our first in what will hopefully be many visits to the wonderful county of Norfolk. When friends told me…
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the High Street
I often wonder if I have some magnetic force field operating around me that causes strange things to happen. I admit that I keep a rather low profile locally, since…
Amazon Book Reviews: Pure as the Driven Snow?
If you’re an author, you have a certain expectation that your work will, at some point, be noticed and reviewed. And with online booksellers such as Amazon allowing for the…
Ian Somerhalder, Where Art Thou?
I’ve been invited to speak at the upcoming Social Media in Business Conference in London on the subject of social media for creative artists, and it’s really got me thinking…
Interview with Mitzi Szereto
Check out my latest interview at Eden Fantasys, where I discuss writing, blogging, Mitzi TV, erotica, my new book In Sleeping Beauty’s Bed: Erotic Fairy Tales, the publishing business and,…
Self Publishing: Good or Evil?
Mwah-ha-ha! I guess that depends upon whom you ask… An interesting debate is going on about the issue of self-publishing. Now I’m not referring to vanity press publishing, I’m referring…
The Writer’s Life (A Case for the Humble Bin Man)
There’s a lot to be said for being a bin man. Now I’m not trying to use sexist terminology here, but I’ve yet to see a lady bin man. Anyway,…
Ladybug! Ladybug! Fly Away Home
Well, yet another visit to the old country has come and gone. And it wouldn’t have been complete without the usual stupidity of airline passengers crammed onto a flight that…
Adventures in America (Vapour Man Attacks Rhode Island)
My bear (the famous Teddy Tedaloo) has recently decided that he wants to move to Vermont. Why Vermont? Well, we hear there are plenty of bears there and, being the…
Noddy Holder Has a Lot to Answer For
Well, yet another Christmas has passed and if you’re anything like me, it tends to bounce right off, leaving not so much as a dent. However, even us expat Scrooges…