My Own Personal Jesus
A few months back I said I’d never go to a live gig again… That is, until I received a text message at 1am the other morning asking what I…
That’s It, You’re Barred!
Don’t worry, you’ve not accidentally stumbled into the Queen Vic to get a right old bollocking off Peggy Mitchell. On the contrary, we’re talking strictly upmarket here. Indeed, the society…
Mitzi Does Shanklin: Inflamed Passions
Now I ask you, what better weekend to head to an island off the southern coast of England than a weekend predicted to be filled with gale-force winds and slashing…
“Bear Necessities” from Mitzi TV
When you have your own Web TV channel, everyone wants to get into the act. Suddenly the entire world is getting in touch with a “brilliant” idea for a segment…
Mitzi TV to Debut on American Television
It had to happen sometime: the Mitzi TV madness has not only reached across the pond via the internet, but is reaching across the pond via broadcast television. The new…
A Motorbike Ride in the Country: Strange Encounters
Okay, anyone who’s seen the latest Mitzi TV video “Born To Be Wild” can probably figure out that I’m a bit partial to motorbikes. In fact, some of the happiest…
“Mitzi TV Bloopers #1” from Mitzi TV
Well, I suppose it was inevitable: I’d have to screw up somewhere. And what better place to do so than right in front of a video camera for the entire…
Screwy Rabbits: The Dangers of Twitter
I know what you’re thinking: that Mitzi, you just never know what she’ll get up to next. Now she’s dating Bugs Bunny! Okay, I admit he’d be one hell of…
“Born To Be Wild” – The New Video From Mitzi TV
Mitzi TV head to the pastoral English countryside for some peace and relaxation, only to get a lot more than they bargained for when a hoard of Harley Davidson riders…
Burning Man: A Local Tale
In this fragile and depressed economy, I wouldn’t want to wish bad on any business. But there are times when it’s pretty obvious that a business is a serious blight…