Bear Necessities
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Tags: animal charities, animalcharities, animals, bear charities, bear rescue, bear sanctuary, bear walk in Romania, bear walk in Transylvania, bearcharities, bearrescue, bears, bearsanctuary, bearwalkinromania, bearwalkintransylvania, Dot Bird, dotbird, Hugglets Teddy Bear Festival, HuggletsTeddyBearFestival, Japan Teddy Bear Association, Japan Teddy Bear Fan Club, japanteddybearfanclub, London, Mayumi Watanabe, mayumiwatanabe, Mitzi Szereto, Mitzi TV, MitziSzereto, MitziTV, offbeat, poppy appeal, poppyappeal, quirky, teddy bear collectors, teddy bear hospital, Teddy Tedaloo, teddybearcollectors, teddybearhospital, teddybears, teddytedaloo, travel and places, travelandplaces, vintage bears, vintagebears, WSPA, WSPA Bear Adventure, wspabearadventure
The Mitzi TV crew head into the wilds of central London to seek out some furry characters at the Hugglets Teddy Bear Festival (
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Hey hi!!! It’s always great to make new Bearatious friends!!!!!!
It is, indeed!