Everyone probably knows that I’m a big user of social media, so I guess it makes perfect sense that I’d be called upon to speak about this very same subject and how it works for those of us in the creative arts.

So for those of you who weren’t able to make it to the Social Media in Business 2010 conference in London earlier this year and are actually interested in hearing what I have to say on the topic, I invite you to sit back and relax, grab a beer from out of the fridge, and watch the replay!

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4 thoughts on “Social Media for Creative Artists Talk”
  1. I think many of us could learn a lot from you. As someone who would rather not be ‘face’ but have my work speak for me, I find social media and promo very difficult. Don’t know if that’s British reserve LOL, but I do know other UK authors who feel the same. They certainly don’t want to put their personal lives out there, but you manage to make even an every day occurrence fun. This presentation would also open the eyes of many wannabe writers — it’s not just about the writing, which is often the biggest shock of all.

  2. Indeed, if we lived in a world where we could bury ourselves away creating our art and ignoring everything else… but we can’t count on others to let the world know that the fruits of our labour exist.

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