No, I haven’t suddenly gone into the business of flogging dodgy goods off a pitch at the market, nor will I be claiming that said goods have fallen off the back of a lorry either. But I did take a little peek at my Amazon Kindle books royalties for my M. S. Valentine novels and wah-hey – I’m now up to thirty bucks! (And yes, that’s in U.S. greenbacks.) Okay, I realise this might only get me a couple of foot-long sandwiches at Subway with a bit left over for a trip to Starbucks, but this could be a nice little earner, as Del Boy would say.

For those of you who haven’t read my previous blog post on the subject (Is the Print Book Destined For Death), my very first Amazon Kindle book The Captivity of Celia was published a few weeks ago, and since then the entire catalogue of my out-of-print M. S. Valentine erotic novels have been re-issued on this platform. I’m so impressed with the Kindle’s ease of use and potential for growth that I’m now looking into putting together a special collection of my short stories and having it sold via Kindle. This electronic reader is growing in popularity, and I’ve no doubt Amazon will develop a version compatible in other markets, such as the U.K. and Europe.

It’s inevitable that as mainstream publishing continues to cut back on the numbers of books they publish, not to mention continues to offer ridiculous advances to fly-by-night celebrities whose books fail dismally in the sales department, legitimate writers will be forced to seek out more and more alternative and innovative ways to get their product into the marketplace. Companies such as Amazon are well aware of the pitfalls we writers face – and they are providing us with the means to take some control over our literary destinies into our own hands. So while a major publisher robs Peter to pay Paul (you being Peter, Paul being the big celebrity “author”), and while hot-shot literary agents linger over a three-hour lunch at Tavern on the Green yet can’t even spare a minute to reply to your emails, at least you can be pro-active as opposed to just banging your head against your computer keyboard.

Maybe thirty dollars is no great shakes, but I’m not complaining. Wah-hey, it’s a start!

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10 thoughts on “This Time Next Year We’ll Be Millionaires!”
  1. I had no idea the Kindle was so hot. It’s been out awhile, but I really didn’t know. NPR was saying people found it too expensive in comparison with other similar readers, lacked special features, and was slow to get through as far as turning pages. I think it’s come down in price since that report though, and I’ve always wanted an electronic reader. Like an IPod for books. That would be rockin…

  2. Please forgive me if my response doesn’t read well. I’m knackered and shouldn’t have switched on my laptop when I returned home from a night of poetics! These laptops are so damned intriguing, I think I’ve developed an obsession.

    Right, I’ll continue, red-eyed with my response …

    Although Kindle is quite popular in the US, I saw a woman using one on the train one morning. Well, I’m convinced it was a Kindle – it looked like one to me. I’d like to test one soon. Kindles must be on sale somehere in the UK.

    Congratulations on your recent success. And, you’re dead right too! It’s a start and I’m confident that you will continue to grow.



  3. Good to hear that you’ve been getting some sales.

    The ridiculous advances offered by publishing houses make my eyes water, particularly for former politicians and sports stars. I’ve never met anyone who reads those things, but I’m guessing they must sell as the advances keep coming. I feel that publishers should look at getting a good stable of reasonable selling authors and keep developing that, then they’d be less likely to get their fingers burned by an also ran celeb.

    Anyway, more power to you and to Kindle!

  4. As a matter of interest, have a special deal on at the moment where you can get $100 off a Kindle if you apply for an Amazon Rewards credit card at the same time –

    Now, if only they would bring it to Britain!

  5. Very insightful article. I’ve been wondering for a long time which reader to purchase. Thanks for the information.

    While I’m here, let me extend an invitation:

    The Ultimate Destination for Readers and Writers. Look around, explore, have fun. Then join us for the journey. A different world on every page, and characters you’ll love for years to come. Why live only one lifetime when you can experience so many? Come visit us at Writers and Readers of Distinctive Fiction.

  6. That’s fantastic news Mitzi. I think the Sony E-Reader was on BBC Breakfast the other day. It looked really nice, but I’d like to try one out first before I buy one. Maybe I’ll pop into a shop and play with one. Why is the UK so slow on the uptake? It seems to have been ages since I first heard about the idea. Im looking forward to when it really takes off. Really pleased that it has had such a positive effect for you already.

    Keep up the blogs.

    Laura J

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